Effective formula of folk remedies for treating prostatitis

Prostatitis is the most common disease in the male genital area. One in men after 60 years of age suffers from inflammation of the prostate. We often hear folk remedies for prostatitis.

Folk remedies can be used to treat male prostatitis only after consulting a male doctor, and in complex treatments, otherwise serious complications may occur.

Herbal tincture for treating prostatitis

Treating prostate inflammation with folk remedies should be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. Men need to eat correctly and exercise to improve blood circulation in the tissues.

If you ignore these suggestions, folk remedies will be ineffective due to impaired blood circulation and degenerative changes in the prostate.

Treating acute prostatitis with folk remedies

If the patient has symptoms of acute prostatitis, such as severe pain in the lower abdomen, severe burning sensation during urination, high fever, and weak urine output, you should consult a doctor. Prostatitis can be infectious or non-infectious. For bacterial inflammation, antibiotics are imperative.

Acupuncture treatment of prostatitis

If you do not drink antibiotics, do not use medications, but use folk remedies to treat bacterial infections, there is a risk of causing severe suppuration, leading to sepsis. Heating the prostate with infectious inflammation is particularly dangerous because bacteria multiply faster at high temperatures.

If the patient has recurrence of non-bacterial prostatitis, traditional Chinese medicine can be used for comprehensive treatment. But not all recipes are allowed to be used with medicines. For acute prostatitis, the following remedies are effective:

  • In order to strengthen the immune system and quickly recover, it is useful to use freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
  • To relieve inflammation, chamomile decoction can be used to make microcapsules.
  • Candles containing propolis and cocoa butter are very safe and effective.
  • For prostatitis, unsweetened pear compote is effective.

Because of the potential for pathological bacterial infections, bathing is not recommended to treat acute prostatitis; it is best to refuse this treatment.

Treating chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

Chronic inflammation of the prostate is an advanced disease that is difficult to treat. For more effective treatment, it is recommended to use folk remedies, but the advice of the attending doctor cannot be ignored.

Pumpkin seeds treat prostatitis

The most effective alternative recipe for treating chronic prostatitis:

  • Healing bath. When preparing the bath, you can use pine needles, chamomile, sage, calendula and other anti-inflammatory herbs. It is necessary to brew the herbs and filter, pour the broth into a bowl of warm water and sit in it. The duration of this process is 15 minutes. Bathe 2-3 times a week.
  • Celandine tinctures sold in pharmacies can help treat prostatitis. In addition, celandine is an excellent antioxidant, it can reduce the risk of adenoma and prostate cancer. Take the tincture for 2 months, starting with one drop and increasing by one drop per day.
  • Honey is a well-known anti-inflammatory agent; candles used to treat prostatitis are made from it. To prepare the candle, mix honey, flour and eggs to form a candle. The suppository obtained must be injected into the rectum in the morning and evening for one month.
  • Pumpkin seeds are very effective for chronic prostatitis. You need to eat 30 seeds every day.
  • Chestnuts have long been used to treat adenomas and prostatitis. To prepare medicinal soup, you need to take the skins of cooked chestnuts. The finished product can be drunk instead of tea in the daytime, and it is also used as a micro-grouting.
  • In order to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis, you can prepare a folk remedy with propolis, which can relieve spasms and inflammation very well. When preparing the candle, take 0. 1 g of propolis and 2 g of cocoa butter. You need to receive treatment within 30 days.

Before using folk remedies, you need to make sure they are not allergic.

Prevent prostatitis

Prostatitis is a very unpleasant disease, so the best way is to prevent inflammation from happening again. The following methods will help prevent pathology:

  • You should eat more fresh herbs and vegetables, and don't forget pumpkin seeds.
  • To reduce the risk of prostate inflammation, you need to drink Ivan-tea 3 times a year.
  • Eating a mixture of walnuts, dried apricots and honey is very useful for men to strengthen and prevent prostatitis.
  • For prevention, it is recommended to drink oatmeal soup and add parsley juice. To do this, cook the oatmeal until soft, then strain it. Add parsley juice to the liquid in a ratio of 1: 10. You need to drink 100 grams of decoction 3 times a day.

An important condition for successful prevention is proper sex. Alternative medicine experts and doctors recommend regular sex, preferably with a regular partner. Because of the risk of contracting infectious diseases, it is best to refuse promiscuity.

In addition, the prevention of prostatitis means regular visits to the male doctor, refusal of fat and junk food, and alcohol. If the patient wants to prevent the development of prostatitis at home, it is imperative to do gymnastics, paying particular attention to the pelvic cavity.

in conclusion

People have been using folk remedies for prostatitis for many centuries, but unfortunately, they are not as effective as necessary to treat this disease. Therefore, don't hang on to other treatments and neglect to see a doctor. This choice will not bring any benefits.